Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Not all wedding professionals are created equal

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending the ABC-OC (Association of Bridal Consultants- Orange County) Holiday Party. In additon to a great networking event, it was a fabulous party, to say the least! I got into a great discussion with a well-known wedding photographer about how nice it is to have an Association like the ABC available for wedding professionals to join. This conversation later had me thinking about why wouldn't everyone eligible, join a professional Association??

As you may have learned by now, not all wedding professionals are created equal. Why, you ask? Some professionals out there work hard to further educate and involve themselves in the wedding industry. Others, do not. Some important questions you should ask any potential vendor you are looking to hire: what are your qualifications? What Associations are you a member of? What training and education have you had that makes you better than the rest? The answers to these questions will more often than not, assist you in finding a vendor that takes their business seriously and is enthusiastic about what they do.

If you were to ask me these questions, I would tell you that I am a proud and active member of the ABC. I am in the final steps of completing both the Professional Development Program, as well as their Weddings as a Business Program. I have found both to provide a wealth of knowledge and wonderful resources, and am thrilled to say that I have passed all 5 sections of the PDP with honors! Once I complete the final exam on these two programs, I will have earned my title as a Professional Bridal Consultant.

At the end of the day, anyone can tell you they are a wedding professional, but not everyone can prove it! Those vendors who can are in a different league than the rest.

1 comment:

Micah said...

Great write up Kerrie!